londonjournal02The latest celebrity artist to hit the scene is Marko Stout, a multimedia artist from New York who many are calling, “the next Andy Warhol”.  Stout first hit the New York art scene about ten years ago where he built a large cult-like following especially among younger millennial age art fans. However in the last couple years the artist’s popularity and art world notoriety has expanded immensely though a series of high profile exhibitions and sales to notable collectors.

Last spring Stout received massive media coverage after a record breaking sale of his large female sculptures to a Berlin nightclub owner at the popular New York Art Expo show hosted by the Redwood Media Group, LLC. The artist was also featured in Food and Beverage magazine, The New York Times and Beat Magazine after the sale of his latest print series to the SOHO Grill in downtown NYC. This trendy eatery also displays a large collection of pop art by other famous New York artists such as Warhol, Haring and Lichtenstein.

As with Andy Warhol, Marko Stout is the type of artist that comes along once in a generation and gives a voice to that generation. In a recent Huffington Post article entitled, “The Next Warhol? An Interview with Marko Stout” the artist was asked about his industrial pop style and Stout replied, “I don’t like classifications. I find them too limiting. But I kind of like industrial pop it seems to capture the essence. So I’m cool with it, maybe I’ll steal the term.”

Marko Stout is currently negotiating a deal with a couple local galleries to bring his work here to London for exhibition in late 2017. This eagerly anticipated appearance will be the artist’s first large scale solo show in the UK. Additionally, Marko Stout and local New York art dealers are talking with NetFlix about developing a reality show revolving around the artist, his models and the drama of the New York art scene. The deals of the production have not yet been released.

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