4bag is a family business that is making leather bags since 1967. Our bags are made from 100% recycled leather of the best quality you can get.

All these years, we include top manufacturers for women’s bag in our products, so you can choose the best bag for you. In our online shop, you can find more than 1000 bags and more than 600 different styles and colors, for every event or outing.

Find the best European brands

In any case, a woman bag is the most necessary accessory that makes every woman happy. She can use them at her travels, her shopping or at the workplace, even for an event.

4bag is running an e-shop, serving Europe and UK. Our transport fees are low and the delivery time is less than a week.

In our shop, in 4bag.gr you can find woman bags, and bags for men and teenage girls. 4bag have different styles for its bags: purses, handbags, crossbags, shoulder bags, etc.

With various styles, in colors and sizes, you can choose more than one bag that fits to your style.

Feel free to choose from a huge variety of 1000 quality bags, the unique bag that suits you the most.

4bag counts more than fifty years of experience in bags, especially for women’s bags. 4bag online store is nothing but a full of surprises e-shop, waiting for you to discover.

Every day of the year, you can find new products in our shop, so keep visiting to find out more bags.

Choose your own preferation among the collection of the hot offers of Greek handmade bags which you can find in our online store, in address 4bag.gr.

Why should you buy a bag for our e-shop?

4bag delivers the best quality for every bag you can find in our e-shop. That makes new customers come back again and again, to find out more products.

Our company, take cares about customers, giving:

  • Free service fee, on every order
  • Payment with credit cart, paypal, etc
  • Hot offers by the year


So, sign up free to our newsletter, to learn more about 4bag.

No money down and 6 installments

Enjoy you online shopping today with no money down and 6 interest free installments with your credit card! We are also accepting paypal payments and all the major credit and debit cards.

For any enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us.